Assemble the basic optics module

The imaging optics for this version of the microscope consist of a Raspberry pi camera and the lens from the camera. To create a microscope, the wide angle lens is reversed and separated from the camera. This makes quite a good microscope objective with a field of view about 400μm across and a resolution of around 2μm.

For this section you will need:


Printed Parts

Electronic Components

Mechanical Components

These instructions assume you will build the upright microscope with a basic optics module. You can also use the high resolution optics module (with an RMS objective) on the upright microscope, or other options from the customisations page.

If using the high resolution optics module, a 400mm Raspberry Pi ribbon cable is preferable due to the additional height.

Step 1: Visually inspect the lens spacer

Take the lens spacer and confirm that:

Step 2: Remove Pi Camera Lens


The camera board is static sensitive.

Push-fit the lens

Step 3: Attach the Pi Camera

Step 4: Attach the mounting screw

Step 5: Connect ribbon cable

Set the complete optics module aside in a safe place.

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