Illumination PCB

As of version 7, the OpenFlexure Microscope uses a PCB rather than just an LED. This can be obtained together with the Sangaboard v0.5 as part of the illumination kit at The illumination PCB contains only an LED and connector: the constant-current electronics are on the Sangaboard. This means that the Sangaboard is able to change the brightness of the LED. The design files are available in this GitLab repository.

If you are unable to get hold of the PCB, it is possible to mount a 5mm LED into the condenser instead, using the instructions for the LED workaround.

There is an older version of the illumination PCB that includes a constant-current driver on board. The older board is usually green, and is circular. The newer boards supplied with Sangaboard v0.5 are usually purple, and have a flat edge. The older PCB can be previewed and ordered via kitspace, and all design files are available in its repository. More information, and comparison data between the 5v board and the old LED, is in the illumination optics explanation.


Supplier Part Number
Taulab OFMv7 Illumination Kit